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2015同济MTI 翻译硕士笔译真题

时间:2015-06-27     来源:育明教学部     作者:于老师      点击量:944


翻译硕士英语 选择只有十个题 难度不大词汇为主,其中有prospone, 关于set短语set about, set up等今年第二题是个新题,其中就是叫做句子改错,这种题型类似三笔的改错题,区别在于三笔是替换词汇而这个是改句子中的一部分,题干是个句子,然后有的是整个句子划线,然后有五个选项,选择最通顺简练正确的。然后有七篇阅读理解,难度适中,其中有两篇难度较大。作文要求五百字我当时留了一小时来写,但是时间还是非常紧张,两个题目任选其一,urbanization, 第二个 problem is opportunity in disguise. 我选的第一个题目,写的结合十八大政府工作报告,句子难度大所以写起来费时,字数感觉也不够。

翻译基础 词汇我感觉同济很有风格,没有缩略语(白白背了难么多),出的难度不大,但感觉不好答到点上,汉译英 如层峦叠嶂,服务型政府,电视真人秀,公检法机关,承办单位,河道整治等一个两分,感觉很心疼。英译汉十个,相对简单,也记不清了。
四个段落翻译各20分,英译汉第一个是奥巴马讲话关于就业,一个是欧亨利短篇小说的刎颈之交这段"'Friendship between man and man,' says I, 'is an ancient historical virtue enacted in the days when men had to protect each other against lizards with eighty-foot tails and flying turtles. And they've kept up the habit to this day, and stand by each other till the bellboy comes up and tells them the animals are not really there. I've often heard,' I says, 'about ladies stepping in and breaking up a friendship between men. Why should that be? I'll tell you, Paisley, the first sight and hot biscuit of Mrs. Jessup appears to have inserted a oscillation into each of our bosoms. Let the best man of us have her. I'll play you a square game, and won't do any underhanded work. I'll do all of my courting of her in your presence, so you will have an equal opportunity. With that arrangement I don't see why our steamboat of friendship should fall overboard in the medicinal whirlpools you speak of, whichever of us wins out.'
第二篇是 这个,我在文库找到了中英对照 慕白和秀莲一起坐在凉亭里  Mubai and Xiulian are sitting together in a pavilion   慕白:秀莲,我们能够触摸的东西没有永远。一切都是幻觉。师父说"放弃虚求,你才拥有实在。"  Mubai:Xiulian, the things we can touch have no permanence. it is all an illusion. The master would say, "A man's primary need is to let go. Only then can he possess what is truly real. "   秀莲:是,是有许事情是虚幻的,但是有些却是无奈的真实。比如的手,难道不是真实的吗?  Xiulian: Yes, I am sure many things are an illusion. Yet some are hopelessly real. Like my hand. Wasn't that real?   慕白:双刀大侠的手,又粗又硬。我是那么渴望能触摸它,却从也没敢。秀莲,我们身旁卧虎藏龙,刀剑里藏凶,真正的凶机却藏人心里。我想为你而离开江湖,可瞧,却带给我什么样的麻烦。 Mubai:Rough and calloused. The hand of a Shuang Dao master. How I've longed to touch it and never dared! Xiulian, we are beset with peril, and it is not weapons. The real resides in the human heart. I tried to leave the Jianghu world for you  and look what trouble that had brought us.   秀莲:压抑只会让感情更强烈。  Xiulian: The feeling one represses just strengthen.   慕白:说得对,但我能怎么办呢?我希望我们……就样一块儿坐着,我反而能感觉到种极大的平静。  Mubai: You are right, but what do i do then? What I would like is us...together as we are here. It gives me a sense of infinite peace
翻译评论40分,写中文或者英文,第一篇是培根的of study,有两篇中译本,评论技巧,优缺点。 30分。第二篇是水浒传标题翻译有outlaw of the marsh, water margin ,all men are brother, 还有两个记不清,让简评各自表达的subjectivity

百科,两篇作文,第一篇是海报,目的是宣传校园讲座,说明文体后,自己也写一篇,40分,第二篇先说明论述文特征,写以题目为“溜须拍马 害了多少同志关系”1000字,
然后五十分的百科,填空,选择,名词解释十个左右。就记得填空有 14年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者名字,法国现任总统党派,选择相对简单,有一道是火烧赤壁是谁提出来的,名词解释有启蒙运动,海派作家,等等,和前几年出的题目没多少重复的,很多考察文学功底和文化常识。




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